Pukka Pies has unveiled a limited-edition range featuring the top 10 names of Brits most likely to love pies.

The personalised pies are available throughout British Pie Week (4-10 March) in two flavours – All Steak and Chicken & Mushroom – at grocers.

“Britain’s continued love affair with pies shows no signs of waning and, this year, we wanted to celebrate by introducing a special personalised treat for those who profess themselves to be pie-lovers,” said Rachel Cranston, head of marketing at Pukka Pies.

The names available on the packaging are broken down into the top five most popular male pie-lovers and the top five most popular female pie-lovers as follows: 

Top five most popular male pie-lover names

  1. John
  2. David
  3. Paul
  4. Michael
  5. Alan

Top five most popular female pie-lover names

  1. Sarah
  2. Lisa
  3. Claire
  4. Emma
  5. Gemma

Pukka’s research also found that people called Alan were most partial to a steak & kidney filling, while those called Gemma preferred chicken-filled pies. It added that if your name began with a J, you were statistically more likely to love pies.

The company has also looked into the nation’s pie-eating habits, and found that a quarter (26%) of Brits indulge in a pie once a week, with Wednesday being the most common day. It said a third (33%) of pie-loving Brits considered pies to be the best comfort food cure for a cold, rainy day, and nearly a quarter (24%) said their chippy tea was made even better with a pie.

In terms of pie flavours, nearly half of Brits (46%) reckoned steak pies best, with steak & kidney hailed as the overall favourite. 

Top 10 favourite pie flavours (ranked in order of popularity)

  1. Steak & Kidney
  2. Steak & Ale
  3. All Steak
  4. Chicken & Mushroom
  5. Minced Beef & Onion
  6. Cheese & Onion
  7. Chicken & Gravy
  8. Chicken & Vegetable
  9. Curry Pie
  10.  Leek & Potato