Some 57% of our readers are in favour of bread weights being deregulated, according to the latest poll on British Baker’s website [], with the remaining 43% against the proposals.

Currently, UK law states that wrapped loaves weighing over 300g must weigh 400g or a multiple of 400g, such as 1,200g. But the legislation is set to be scrapped next year, as an amended version of the EU Nominal Quantities directive will deregulate weights and sizes for all pre-packed products, except for wines and spirits.

The EU had been set to allow an exception for bread, but before a second vote in parliament, the text of the regulation was suddenly changed to exclude bread.

European authorities are set to complete remaining legal formalities by summer or autumn. The UK government is then likely to repeal weight regulations some time next year. The Department of Trade and Industry may decide to set out new proposals, covering deregulation on both pre-packed and unwrapped breads, according to Federation of Bakers director Gordon Polson.