Does the baking industry need its own National Skills Academy for the bakery sector? Anyone who feels bakery needs a higher profile when it comes to training and attracting new blood is urgently asked to attend a drinks reception on Tuesday April 8 at the Gallery Seminar Suite, NEC Birmingham, starting at 5.30pm, at the Baking Industry Exhibition.
The event is supported by National Association of Master Bakers, The Alliance for Bakery Students and Trainees, The Association of Bakery Ingredient Manufacturers, Improve, the Worshipful Co of Bakers and the British Society of Baking.
Employers large and small, college tutors and industry leaders are all asked to attend. The baking industry is worth 7.5bn a year but due to a skills shortage the associations are inviting everyone to take part in discussions to explore the opportunity of developing a specialist bakery academy. Please register by Mar 28 by emailing:
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