A new guide from CCFRA, Crisis prevention through incident management: being prepared and responding effec-tively, aims to help food and drink firms prevent incidents, such as accidental contamination, from becoming crises that could damage or destroy their business. Tel: 01386 842225 or email: pubs@campden.co.uk.
Allied Bakeries has appointed Mortimer Whittaker O’Sullivan as its new advertising agency to handle TV sponsorship, radio, press and outdoor activity across the Allinson and Burgen bread brands.
Carmarthen cake baker Etta Richardson hopes to get the royal crest on her speciality fruit cake packaging after Prince Charles ordered 25 of them for his wedding reception last year.
ÜNSOY UK says it will become the first company in the country to coat all its dried fruit in non-hydrogenated oil from the beginning of July, following work to complete the change- over at its facility in Turkey.
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