Asda’s new “hot cross hedgehog” loaf is the “best product it has ever put out”, according to bakery director Huw Edwards. The new 400g spicy bloomer loaf, priced at 92p, has a ripple effect from cuts on the top.
Bakery equipment company Capway Systems has started marketing Rijkaart NV products in the UK, after taking over the Dutch dough-processing equipment firm last year. The acquisition gives Capway the capability to supply complete production lines.
A NEW report from market analyst Datamonitor reveals the UK is Europe’s biggest user of own-label goods, with pene-tration rate exceeding 35% of total consumer packaged goods spending. Consumer spending on private-label food, drinks and personal care reached £39 billion in 2005, and Datamonitor forecasts this will increase a further 25%, to £48.7bn in 2010.
Kroll, administrator of snacks company Golden Wonder, is in negotiations with three separate parties as it seeks to sell the firm’s remaining operations, including brands such as Nik Naks. Its manufacturing site for Pringles Mini in Corby was sold to CTO Holdings, an affiliate of Tayto (NI) on January 13. Golden Wonder is continuing to trade since going into administration on January 6.
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