Cherry prices rise
The wholesale price of cherries in the UK has risen 6% year-on-year, but is 44% higher than its five-year seasonal average, according to commodity intelligence firm Mintec. Prices in May were around £7,000/mt, whereas the seasonal average is around £5,000/mt. Mintec said unusually wet weather has slowed normal Spanish supply, but forecasts are good for this year’s UK crop.
Free-from move
The Handmade Cake Co has moved into the free-from market for the first time with the launch of a wheat-free chocolate and orange cake, to cater for increased demand for this type of product.
Flapjacks run abroad
Dorset Flapjack Company has announced it has just sent out its first shipment of flapjacks to the Canary Islands. The business has also just been chosen as a supplier to the Scott-Amundsen Centenary Race 2011-12, a 900-mile expedition to the South Pole.
Cake deal with Cook
Fresh Eric’s Cake Company has doubled its business with Cook retail shops, and will begin supplying 47 of its shops with its carrot cake and Victoria sponge from this month.
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