BakeMark UK, sponsor of National Doughnut Week, is urging high street bakers to do their bit for charity – and reap the business benefits – by getting involved with this year’s event.
The week, which runs from May 6 to 13, aims to raise money for The Children’s Trust. The charity provides care, education and therapy for children with profound disabilities and complex health needs. Bakeries are encouraged to make and sell doughnuts for the charity and, in the process, entice more customers into their stores.
“It’s all about having fun while raising money for a worthy cause,” says Christopher Freeman, owner of Dunn’s Bakery in Crouch End and founder of National Doughnut Week.
Mr Freeman also points out that getting involved makes sound business sense for bakeries. Eye-catching point-of-sale material, which draws customers into shops, is provided free of charge from sponsor BakeMark UK.
Some of the UK’s most severely disabled children receive care at the Trust. They may be disabled from birth or have become disabled as the result of an accident or serious illness, which has caused brain damage. “National Doughnut Week really helps to make a difference to the children at the Trust,” says the Trust’s corporate relations manager Oonagh Goodman. “Money from the fundraising week has made a significant contribution towards providing the most up-to-date specialist facilities and equipment.”
For example, selling just 30 chocolate doughnuts will enable the Trust to buy a specialised fibre-optic lamp for one of the sensory rooms. Last year, the combined efforts of the 700 bakers who took part in the event raised £40,000 and the organisers are hoping that this year will be the best yet.
Every baker who registers to take part by March 24, 2006, will receive a free 16kg bag of Craigmillar Doughnut Concentrate from BakeMark UK – enough to make more than 900 doughnuts. Bakers can also take advantage of further money-off promotions from BakeMark UK’s Craigmillar and Readi-Bake ranges to prepare for the week itself.
Registration forms should already be on their way, according to Mr Freeman, but if you do not receive one, contact Christopher Freeman at or tel: 020 8340 1614 or 07776 480032 to register, or for more information.
Rachel (pictured), 14, was left with severe brain injury following a hit-and-run accident. Her courage and determination, with the help of specialist staff at The Children’s Trust, mean she has regained some speech and has started doing things for herself. She has now returned home to her family in Wales
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