British Baker rounds-up the latest industry news from the past five days in its exclusive weekly picture gallery.
First Scottish Krispy Kreme store breaks records: 18/2/2013
More than 400 customers were served in the first hour of the doughnut retailer opening the doors of its Edinburgh Hermiston Gait outlet - the first store to open in Scotland. The firm said sales accumulated during this time period broke company records for any openings of its Krispy Kreme UK shops.
Ms Cupcake launches first book: 19/2/2013
Mellissa Morgan, British Baker’s Rising Star Award winner from the 2011 Baking Industry Awards, is set to release her first book, due to land on shelves in May. Entitled Ms Cupcake - The Naughtiest Vegan Cakes in Town! it includes signature recipes from the Brixton-based vegan bakery such as peanut butter cookie sandwiches, snickerdoodles and fried cookie dough balls. Read Morgan’s recipe for Nanaimo bars - a Canadian dessert - in the 22 February issue of British Baker.
Parsons sees success from pop-up shop: 20/2/2013
The Bristol-based BB75 retailer revealed to British Baker that it is looking to transform its first pop-up site on West Street in Bedminster into a more permanent fixture. Managing director Nick Parsons said the temporary shop trades profitably and above the company’s initial expectations.
Sigep Golden Bread Cup winners stripped of title: 20/2/2013
British Baker revealed that the Italian team which won the Sigep Golden Bread Cup last month has been stripped of its winning title and repositioned in last place. The new winning line-up was officially announced by competition organiser Club Arti e Mestieri, with Hungary revealed as the winner and Italy coming in fifth.
Premier Foods: “Rebuild value in bread division priority", says Darby: 21/2/2013
Chief executive Gavin Darby has revealed the firm will be introducing new packaging for its Hovis line, as well as assigning a dedicated team to its bread division this year. Premier Foods’ new head revealed the news as part of the company’s preliminary results for the year to 31 December 2012, in which its bread division’s contribution was down 48% from £52m to £27m over the period period.
Bakeart provides Comic Relief for customers: 21/2/2013
The Swansea-based firm has secured the licence to produce and distribute edible ‘Red Nose’ wafer disks, available in two designs, to the bakery sector. The company invested £1,500 in new kit to produce the disks, and will be donating £2 from every pack of 300 Red Noses ordered.
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