Craft Bakers’ Week kicks off on Monday (29 September) and almost 400 bakeries have already signed up.
Registration is still open and 389 bakeries have already pledged to the week, equating to 1,072 shops.
Businesses have been provided with POS including posters and bunting with media support also available to help spread word about events they will be putting on for the week. Support is also on offer from the Make-A-Wish Foundation UK regional team for fundraising ideas.
Returning for 2014 will be TV baking stars Tom and Henry Herbert, who will support the campaign on social media and with a series of media interviews, as well as providing some of their favourite recipes.
Keith Houliston, sales director (craft sector) at British Bakels and chair of Craft Bakers’ Week 2014, said: “We are so excited that Craft Bakers’ Week is just around the corner. Those who participated in Craft Bakers’ Week 2013 reported great benefits to their business and it benefits the industry as a whole too.
"We hope bakers across the country get in to the spirit and have fun during Craft Bakers’ Week while showcasing the skill and passion involved in bringing freshly baked goods to communities across the UK, encouraging the nation to love your baker.”
Get involved
The week’s organisers recommend that bakers put on events to drum up awareness and support in their communities. Options include two-for-one promotions, children’s guessing or colouring competitions, tastings and giving customers bakery tours and demonstrations where possible to show them what goes on behind the scenes.
Bakers also have access to special sugar discs to place on cupcakes, buns and cookies with 10p from the sale of each item going directly to the charity.
Getting involved can mean positive PR and column inches for your business with many of 2013’s participating bakers reporting an uplift in footfall, sales and staff morale.
Craft Bakers’ Week is funded and supported by the Craft Bakers’ Association, Scottish Bakers and stakeholders from across the bakery sector including British Baker, California Raisins, CSM, Bakels, Bako, BFP, Dawn, Ireks, Marriages, Macphie, Puratos, Reynards and Zeelandia.
Visit for more information.
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