INGREDIENTS supplier Bakels has expanded its pro-duct development department, led by new head of product development Gary Gibbs.
SCHWAN has closed its Global Cake Company frozen desserts factory in Bridlington, Yorkshire, after failing to sell the plant. Some 200 staff have lost their jobs, and an assets-only sale to a mystery third party is now being negotiated.The plant has had three different owners in less than five years. Schwan took it over in March 2004.
THE government’s annual Expenditure and Food Survey for the fiscal year ending 2004 showed 21.1% of weekly bread expenditure is in outlets other than large supermarket chains. The survey indicated the average weekly spend was £1.50 in large supermarket chains and 40p in other outlets.
BAKERY sales were up 0.3% to £3.08 billion in the 52 weeks to the end of December 2005, according to IRI figures. Total grocery sales were £54.22bn.
TESCO is to roll out “Guide-line Daily Amount” labelling across its own-label bakery range by the end of the year.
CAKE supplier Elisabeth the Chef has launched a Doctor Who-branded Dalek celebration cake, designed to appeal to boys aged 7-14. Packaging for
the Genoese sponge cake contains a sound button, which,
when pressed, says “Extermi-nate” in Dalek style. The cake, priced at £7.99, includes a Doctor Who game on the pack.
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