The farl is a brown loaf, aerated chemically, shaped similarly to scones, only four times the size. Volume is not attained by adding excess baking powder, but by thoroughly mellowing the gluten. Try out this recipe it should give the finest brown loaf you have ever made:
Ingredients: 4lb wholemeal flour; 1lb white flour; 1oz salt; 3 pints fresh milk; 5oz lard; 2 eggs; 2oz treacle; 4oz mixed baking powder. The baking powder is prepared by mixing two parts of cream of tartar and one part of bicarbonate of soda.
Method: Mix 3pts milk, 2lb wholemeal and 1/2lb white flour. Let it stand for 1 hour. Sieve the powder into the remaining meal and flour and rub in the lard. After the batter has been conditioning for 1 hour, mix all the ingredients to a soft dough. Scale at 2lb 4oz, mould round and treat as for round scones. Leave for 15 minutes before baking for 45 minutes at 410F. Either sieve meal on top or egg wash.
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