There’s seemingly no end to the number of online outlets for lovelorn lonely hearts these days. And so we welcome the emergence of, "a social networking site for gluten-free singles and single coeliacs". The American site is "100% free" and was created to give wheat-free restricted dieters the opportunity to meet others who follow a similar diet and lifestyle. The community offers shared pics, e-cards, forums and a video service.
Not that we would belittle food allergy sufferers whose cause has been leapt on by celebrity bandwagon jumpers and self-diagnosing home medics, but should they be encouraged to breed? Won’t they spawn a generation of cake-dodgers, and is this a future we’re prepared to accept? "Check out what all the buzz is about at!" it proclaimed. Well, we tried, and the website had mysteriously been pulled down. The work of rogue bakery-based hackers, perhaps?
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