Flexibility seems to be the order of the day. The new Vemag dough divider line by Reiser claims to offer greater weight accuracy, versatility and adaptability to handle a range of breads, rolls, buns and English muffins.
== Great, because I’m a tweak freak ==
Then this is for you. The equipment is adjustable across exact-weight portion and crumb structure variations. Key to its accuracy and versatility is a unique, patented double-screw pumping system.
== Sounds saucy ==
It is if you’re into that sort of thing. Which we are. It comes in a variety of configurations to handle different dough and batter types, and bakers can rapidly exchange double screws from a model ideal for stiff, hard doughs, like bagels, to softer rolls such as English muffins.
== I’m into big portions ==
Portion sizes range from 5g to 20kg, at 1% standard deviation. The Vemag also uniformly spaces dough on the conveyor, eliminating doubles, ’tinkering’ time and waste. With the right spec, it allows up to eight lanes of product at 300 cuts per minute.
== Whoa, 300 a minute?! I’m only a wee baker. That would suffocate my staff with dough within seconds ==
Fair enough. For smaller, growing bakers, the Vemag 500 dough divider has the capacity to handle 60-100 portions per minute with all the same portion and crumb control specifications as the larger pieces of kit. The 500 can also be traded in for a larger HP model if required.
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