Since National Cupcake Week was launched by British Baker earlier this year, we’ve found it hard to suppress our fawning over this inaugural celebration, filliped as we are by the gushing support we’ve received from bakers up and down the country. So just to show we’re not cupcake evangelists, Stop the Week is happy to address the positive imbalance and bring a dissenting voice in from the wilderness.
In the spirit of charity, STW hopes to drive a bit of traffic in the direction of food blogger Le Carnet de Sophie, who posted an entry titled "Why I hate cupcakes" last week. "Which loony organisation or shadowy governmental body charged with the task of allocating food birthdays decided that cupcakes should be elevated to the sovereign-like status of a week-long celebration?" bellowed our affronted essayist. "Cupcakes are too big, there is far too much icing on them and they have usurped the already perfectly fine fairy cake."
Overlooking that it’s not actually a birthday, and skipping over our private delight at being hailed as shadowy conspirators, STW is as sad as anybody that the fairy cake didn’t put up more of a fight in the pub brawl of daintily decorated transatlantic fancies. If we could have stepped in with a well-aimed bar stool, we would have done. The fight was over well before we waded in.
"Come the 14th September I plan to make something that is the antithesis of a cupcake," she promises. "Something simple and economical, like a rock cake a cake so ugly there is no mention of it on the British Baker website. This John Merrick of cakes deserves more recognition."
Stop the Week would like to note that we are no stranger to any aspect of bakery creation ugly or otherwise. In sportsmanlike recognition, we doff our cap at Ms Sophie’s own (debatably ugly) Pear and Malteser crumble recipe. And she can rest assured the instant the rock cake revolution kicks off, we’ll be all over it.
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