Get making those doughnuts – it’s National Doughnut Week on May 6-13 and you still have time to register. While raising money for The Children’s Trust, you will also reap the business rewards of getting involved. Once people are inside your shop, the opportunities for cross-selling products and impulse buying are clear.

Read what regular participants say:

Coombs Quality Bakers, Leicester: “National Doughnut Week is an excellent event, which involves very little effort on the part of the baker but a lot of reward. We’ve been a regular participator and see the event not only as a fund-raiser but also as a way to boost our own profile and have some fun.”

Campbell’s Bakery, Crieff, Perthshire: “National Doughnut Week is an annual highlight for us and, as a one-stop operation, we are delighted with the success of the event. We decorate our shop in a big way, using the point-of-sale kits provided by the organisers and invite the press along too.”

How your money helps

One of the most damaging effects of brain injury is to a child’s self-esteem. They have had no control over the event that has injured them and feel hopeless. Play therapy helps their confidence return, giving them the strength to re-learn skills essential in everyday life.

•20 jammy doughnuts could fund a trip to a farm for a child and their carer;

•30 iced doughnuts could provide dressing-up clothes to help the children express themselves during therapy;

•40 chocolate doughnuts could help buy a huge physio ball to assist a child, who has little or no mobility, to balance and play

Why not take advantage of sponsor BakeMark UK’s money-off promotion? Save £2 on Craigmillar doughnut concentrate and £1 on Readi-Bake topped ring doughnuts.

•To register for Doughnut Week, email Christopher Freeman at Dunns Bakery on or call 020 8340 1614 or 07776 480032.


– Heidi’s Swiss Patisserie – Hayling Island, Hampshire

– Burns the Bread of Glastonbury, Somerset

– Harringtons of Leatherhead, Surrey

– Campbell’s Bakery – Crieff, Perthshire

– Apple Pie Eating House – Ambleside, Lancashire

- Thomsons of Newcastle