The World Scotch Pie Cham-pionships have been revamped and several new categories added, in an effort to give bakers and butchers wider exposure.
The 2010 awards, to be announced later this month, will see the reintroduction of the Sausage Roll Category, as well as the addition of five new Speciality Savoury Categories: Hot Savoury; Cold Savoury; Fish; Vegetarian Savoury; and Individual Steak Pie. These will run alongside competitions to find the best Scotch pies and bridies.
"We felt it important to include sausage rolls again, as they are one of the most popular products in the savouries sector. There is so much innovation in speciality savouries, it was only right to split them up," said organiser Alan Stuart, MD of Stuart’s of Buck-haven. "The awards raise public awareness of bakers and but-chers and boost sales and more categories will help do this."
Other changes include a new website and, for the first time, the entries will be judged when both hot and cold. The 11th annual event will be held at Carnegie College, Dunfermline, Scotland, on Tues-day, 10 November.
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