A cookie sandwich stuffed with an Oreo

Source: Getty Images / LauriPatterson

  • Publication date: Wednesday 4 December 2024
  • Editorial submissions deadline: Monday 11 November 2024
  • Editorial contact: Amy North amy.north@wrbm.com

Bog standard biscuits just won’t cut it any more as the nations demands bigger, better, and more indulgent treats for their afternoon snacks. This has led to the rise of stuffed cookies, footlong cookie sticks and more – with many taking their inspiration from the other side of the pond.

This feature will explore the reasons behind the trend and find out how bakeries are tapping into it.

Key areas this article will explore are:

  • What trends can be seen in the cookie market and why?
  • What consumer needs and desires are driving these trends?
  • Which flavours, inclusions, and more are proving popular and why?
  • Which bakeries are tapping into these? Please provide examples from the market
  • What bits of equipment are available to help bakeries tap into this trend?