Oven manufacturer Thomas Chandley has introduced a more environmentally focused rack oven. The model has been enhanced to make it run more efficiently, saving energy usage.

Engineers have reduced the connected load of the conventional rack oven from 39kW to 33kW. The ovens have also been modified to incorporate more insulation and a deeper door (increased by 50mm) in order to reduce heat loss.

The Eco Rack Oven has a new colour turbo controller with built-in 24-hour clock, featuring a sensor to put the oven into ’sleep mode’ if out of action for a while.

The user can then set the sleep mode temperature to, for example, 50?C below the bake temperature. This avoids wasting energy and means the oven is constantly on stand-by to be brought quickly back up to bake temperature when required. Alternatively, the oven can be switched off altogether.

There is also a built-in steam system which requires no drain and a self-condensing hood can be added to the oven.
