National Craft Bakers’ Week (NCBW) is almost upon us, so make sure you’ve got all your promotional materials at the ready and posters up in your shop windows to tempt the customers into your stores.
The week runs from 8 - 13 June and has been designed to promote ’The Shop That Never Sleeps’ as an integral part of local communities. It has been promoted to 22,000 state and independent primary schools, many of which have shown interest in having local bakers come and visit. Thousands of people have visited our NCBW pages at to watch the video streaming of bakers at work and to download resources and POS material.
The activity has been spearheaded by the National Association of Master Bakers (NAMB) and has been developed with a group of key industry companies: Bako, Bakels, Bake-Mark, BFP Wholesale, British Baker magazine, California Raisins, Macphie, Marriage’s, Puratos, The Reynard Group and The Scottish Association of Master Bakers.
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