== Shortlist revealed ==
The shortlist for the FreeFrom Food Awards has been announced, with categories including bread and bread mixes, and cakes, muffins and sweet biscuits. The awards, sponsored by Livwell, are to take place on 12 May, during allergy week. The shortlist is available to view at freefromfoodawards.co.uk
== Bakery cuts waste ==
Esher-based bakery The Cookie Man has been crowned winner of the Surrey Business Waste Minimisation Award. The business, which is privately owned, introduced two waste minimisation schemes last year and now recycles all food and cardboard waste. As well as preventing around 750 tonnes of waste going to landfill, it will also save £60,000 a year.
== Sugar update ==
UK sugar industry trade association The Sugar Bureau has relaunched its website - www.sugar-bureau.co.uk - and is promoting it alongside its message that sugar forms a useful part of a healthy balanced diet. The new site provides scientific evidence about the role of sugars in health.
== Jacksons’ new system ==
Derbyshire bakery Jacksons the Bakers has installed a new computer software system, following a grant from the Food & Drink Innovation Network (iNet). The business moved to a new unit last year and applied for an Innovation Support Grant (ISG) through iNet due to its need for a more up-to-date and efficient system.
== Costa wins battle ==
A Costa Coffee shop in Beverley has won its fight to continue trading after opening without planning consent. Planning permission has now been granted for the use of the premises, formerly a shoe shop, as a café/coffee shop.
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