Cake baker Fiona Cairns has launched a collection of bespoke wedding cakes in Waitrose. The rose petal design will be available in three different colours, including white with flame orange, pink and red petals. The three-tiered cakes have a cascading petal design and are available in three variations: fruit cake; vanilla sponge with raspberry jam and vanilla buttercream; or chocolate sponge with chocolate buttercream cake tiers. Rose petal celebration cakes and fairy cakes are also available. Another launch is the Vintage Fairytale range, which features a three-tiered wedding cake with sugarpaste antique pink roses and rosebuds, butterflies, gold dragées and fabric hydrangeas. The Carousel wedding cake features a top-tier cake above two tiers of 42 fairy cakes.

The third design is polka dots and roses, featuring a four-tiered wedding cake with the bottom two tiers decorated with dots and spots and the top two finished with spots and sugarpaste roses.