A pastel birthday cake with white chocolate drip frosting

Source: Getty Images / RuthBlack

  • Publication date: Wednesday 25 September 2024
  • Editorial submissions deadline: Monday 9 September
  • Editorial contact: Amy North amy.north@wrbm.com

Cakes offer a blank canvas for experimentation and creativity when it comes to decoration, flavours, and formats making the market an exciting and fast-moving one. As such, it can be hard to keep on top of the up-and-coming trends, but British Baker is here to help.

This feature will take a deep dive into the trends set to make waves in 2025 and beyond.

Key areas this article will explore are:

  • What are the top cake trends of 2025 and beyond?
  • What are the top cake flavours? How are these flavours being used?
  • What styles of cake decoration are gaining traction? Where is the inspiration for these coming from?
  • How will these trends, flavours, and formats differ between the seasons?
  • How do the trends differ between different formats, such as celebration cakes, cupcakes, loaf cakes and so on?
  • What occasions are consumers buying cakes for? How do their needs and priorities differ (celebration cake for a birthday vs individual cake for lunchbox/snack, for example?)
  • What impact are social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok, having on the market?
  • How is health playing out on the cake scene?
  • What impact are different dietary requirements