Bread Ahead's version of Pampushky, Ukrainian-style garlic and dill rolls

Source: Bread Ahead

Bread Ahead’s version of Pampushky, Ukrainian-style garlic and dill rolls, which it will teach how to make during special workshops later this month

Bread Ahead is set to raise money to support Bake for Ukraine’s work maintaining bread production and distribution in war-affected regions.

The artisan bakery business, which operates several sites across London as well as a bakery school and three shops in the Middle East, said it was keen to raise vital funds for the non-profit organisation. These are used to provide essential ingredients, maintain crucial equipment, and ensure bakers’ salaries are met.

Bake for Ukraine recently acquired a mobile bakery in Odesa to deliver bread to frontline towns and villages, with plans to also support bakeries in Mykolaiv and Dnipro and build a new bakery in Saltivka.

Bake for Ukraine's new mobile bakery in Odessa  2100x1400

Source: Bake for Ukraine

Mobile bakery in Odessa

To help raise funds, Bread Ahead will be selling traditional Ukrainian Palyanytsya loaves for £10 each at its Borough Market site near London Bridge between 20 and 25 August with all proceeds going directly towards Bake for Ukraine.

In addition, coinciding with Ukraine Independence Day on 24 August, the company is offering a day of special in-person baking workshops entitled ‘An Introduction to Ukrainian Baking’ for up to 12 people. Priced at £125 per person, of which 50% will be donated to the Ukraine appeal, it features a morning workshop taking place at Bread Ahead’s Wembley location and an afternoon workshop at Borough Market.

Participants will learn how to create the following three classic Ukrainian breads using natural ingredients:

  • Vatrushka – sweet buns filled with soft cheese and topped with raspberry jam
  • Pampushky – plump, fluffy rolls with a fragrant topping of garlic and dill in a tear and share style
  • Traditional Black Bread – a rich rye-based loaf infused with molasses, coffee, and cocoa.

Places can be booked via the Bread Ahead website.

Bread Ahead is encouraging bakers and consumers to help spread awareness and join in support of the Ukraine. “Together, we can bake our way to a better world,” it commented. “Let bread, a symbol of life and resilience, continue to provide hope and sustenance to those affected.”

Earlier this year, the bakery firm announced the launch of an academy to help ‘create the next generation of bakers’, and more recently unveiled a five-week bakery course for kids over the summer holidays.

Wheat farming and breadmaking are deeply interwoven into Ukrainian culture – its flag depicts a blue sky over a yellow field of grain – with the country producing between 7% and 12% of the global wheat supply.

Other British companies have also contributed towards the recovery of the Ukrainian baking industry, including Zeelandia UK leading efforts and enlisting support of Tesco, Fine Lady Bakeries, and Montana Bakery to donate surplus equipment.