l It pays to have several suppliers, so you can negotiate better deals. We buy our flour from ADM, Heygates and Marriages - it keeps them on their toes
l Join the NAMB. The members’ discount on building insurance alone covered my membership fee.
l Recognise what is working in the business and be brave enough to drop those that aren’t. Bath buns and rock cakes were the mainstay of my father’s business, but we now do muffins instead
l If we want well-trained bakers, we need to take a chance with people, whether they are youngsters or older people who are looking to change careers. Get them in, see if they’ve got natural ability and teach them what you know
l Hold your nerve. There’s no point reducing prices like the supermarkets. Stick to what you do best - good quality products, made by hand, at a sensible price
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