Customers expect to pay on card at independent bakeries, despite a drop in spend, according to new research.
Card payment specialist firm CardSave has discovered, among 127 UK bakery outlets, that spending on cards has declined by 20%, from an average spend of £25.77 last year to £20.73 in 2012. However, the average total turnover in card payments is on the up, increasing from £30,921.00 in 2010 to £31,049.85 in 2011.
Clive Kahn, chief executive of CardSave, said: “The days when consumers wanted to pay by cash are over. They increasingly expect to pay by card for everything, whether the purchase is as small as a few loaves of bread or as large as a wedding cake.
“Small businesses benefit significantly from accepting cards, winning more business, making larger sales and maintaining their competitiveness against major retailers.”
The study shows similar results to YouGov’s survey, also commissioned by CardSave, which was published last week. It found more than a third (35%) of respondents carry less than £10 cash on them, with 57% believing cash will become extinct and half feeling this could happen by 2035. Around 40% also believe their lives will be much easier when they can pay for everything by card.
Nearly a third (30%) of the UK public has been inconvenienced in the last year by a retailer not taking cards, with 16% walking out of a shop in the past 12 months without making their intended purchase because the retailer did not accept cards.
Almost a quarter (22%) have been forced to leave to seek out a cash point and 7% have purchased less than they intended to, due to retailers’ only accepting cash.
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