Each article page on the BritishBaker.co.uk website now includes links to various popular social bookmarking websites.
These websites enable you to store, tag and share links with friends, colleagues and people with shared interests. You can access your bookmarked links from any computer you have access to by logging into the web service you used to store them.
If you read a BakeryInfo article that you find to be of use and want to save it or share it for future reference, simply click on one of the icon links at the foot of the article to add it to your list. All of the bookmarking tools are free to use but do require you to register. Once you have registered you can begin bookmarking.
You can find out more about social bookmarking on Wikipedia.
For more details about each of the services we are suggesting, see their websites:
We do not endorse any particular bookmarking website and suggest that you find out for yourself which service best suits your requirements.
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