Food & Bake will see the launch of Bake3D – a new system for the analysis of product quality and consistency from CF Controls (stand P270) where bakers can create a virtual loaf for analysis.
Once product weight, height, length, width and volume have been recorded, the Bake3D system analyses shape, colour and texture to create a 3D virtual model.
The system helps identify problems in production processes, including panning, proving and baking. It also performs slice analysis including cell size, quantity, alignment and circulation.
Fully compatible with Microsoft Windows, product information and report statistics can be exported to a number of formats, such as Excel.
Information is embedded into a single file so every virtual model can be traced back to the exact unit, time and date where it was created. This file can be emailed to customers for evaluation and shared within companies that have more than one site.
CF Controls will also be exhibiting systems for checking bake colour, shape, texture
and coverage.
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