The National Trust is to launch its first branded bakery range in early 2010, and is on the look-out for bakeries to get involved.

The bakery range, which will sit alongside a wider branded food and drink line, will consist of three breads and five biscuit varieties, inspired by the Trust’s own produce and from traditional recipes held in its archive.

The development of the bakery range has been licensed to Rivermill, a food licensing and sales agency specialist, and MD Andrew Chesters told British Baker he was keen to hear from firms interested in producing products for the range.

Breads on offer will be a National Trust Stoneground Wholemeal Loaf, Milk Loaf and Barm Bread, part of a wider range of bakery goods from Rivermill. The biscuit range will comprise Stem Ginger and Orange Marma-lade, Clotted Cream Rounds, Lancashire Lemon Curds, Golden Honey Oaties and Oat Crumbles.
Interested parties can contact or call 0207 025 8718.