“Bakers who do not use confectionery premixes are missing a trick, and if they think premixes are just an alternative to scratch baking, then they should think again.” says Gary Thorns, ingredients technical sales manager, at bakery ingredient specialist Renshaw. He adds: “There is no doubt that by following the instructions on the bag that premixes can make delicious confectionery products, but there is so much more that you can do with them.”
Used creatively, confectionery premixes can help bakers develop a whole range of totally new products that will help to build trade all day long – from morning goods to lunchtime ‘food to go’ and afternoon teatime treats, says Renshaw. When incorporated with other ingredients they can create some stunning additions to an existing product range. They are also quick and easy to use and they produce consis-tent results.
Because premixes contain a complete list of ingredients they also have the benefit of reducing the number of store cupboard items the baker needs to stock, points out Renshaw, which is particularly cost-effective for ingredients used in small quantities or infrequently or which have limited shelf life.
Thorns illustrates the flexibility of premixes by looking at Renshaw’s Coconut Mix (see panel). The user simply adds water to make coconut mountains or can blend it with Renshaw’s Bake in Chocolate Filling for a tropical treat that can be dipped in chocolate for an added taste of luxury.
The Coconut Mix can also be used as a batter enricher to create coconut-flavoured sponge cakes or incorporated with Macaroona to create batters that are light in texture and delicately coloured, he says. The recipe is also suitable for traybakes for individual portion cakes, with or without further decoration.
Alternatively, says Renshaw, bakers can make up the Coconut Mix to a paste, spread it over a Danish pastry, fold, prove and bake, to create an early morning snack. Or they
can build on the tropical theme by adding Coconut Mix to crumble toppings for fruit tarts with a difference.
Thorns says that if bakers want to know how they can use any of Renshaw’s premixes to create novel products, by ‘thinking outside the box’ and using them in a less traditional way, they should contact Renshaw.
2,000g Coconut Mix
550g Chocolate Bake in Filling (20%)
750g Cold water
Place the dry mix into a machine bowl, fitted with a beater, and slowly add the water on first speed. Scrape down and mix for a further three minutes on second speed. Finally fold the Chocolate Bake in Filling through the mix to give a marble effect and spread onto
a lined or greased tray.
Bake at 185°C/365°F for approximately 25 minutes.
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