RECALL Greencore sandwich 2100x1400

Source: Greencore

  • Publication date: Wednesday 18 December 2024
  • Editorial submissions deadline: Monday 2 December 2024
  • Editorial contact: Amy North

What were the reasons behind product recalls in bakery this year? This feature will find out as British Baker analyses the food and allergy alerts from the Food Standards Agency to understand the main reasons why baked goods from crumpets to biscuits, and more were removed from shelves.

The piece will also examine what happens when a bakery needs to recall a product.

Key areas this article will explore are:

  • What were the various reasons behind bakery recalls over the past year?
  • What common themes are there?
  • And what can be done to improve the number of recalls?
  • What steps do bakery businesses need to take when recalling a product?