Kingsmill has teamed up with Young’s in a deal that marks the brand’s surprise move into the frozen sector.
The company has put its logo on a new range of Young’s four Large Cod and Haddock Fillets in Kingsmill breadcrumbs.
A TV ad campaign, launching on 14 February, will highlight the use of the bread brand’s crumbs in the coating.
Lou Ellerton, senior consultant at brand agency The Value Engineers, said that, by choosing to pair up with Kingsmill, Young’s was tapping into the latter’s values of down-to-earth, everyday eating. "There’s potential to make more of the partnership by building on Kingsmill’s 50/50 offer, making fish a more acceptable ’semi-healthy’ choice for mums keen to get kids eating better foods."
However, she added there had previously been little focus on the secondary ingredients in coated fish, with anecdotal evidence suggesting few consumers were bothered about the source of the breadcrumbs. She said: "I wonder how many people make the connection between the breadcrumbs on their fish and the loaf sitting in their kitchen. It’s unlikely we’ll see a dramatic shift in consumers’ views of either brand."
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