Omega baskets managed by Bakers Basco  2100x1400

Source: Bakers Basco

Omega baskets used for bakery delivery to retailers

Membership scheme Bakers Basco is partnering with UK-based charity Crimestoppers on a national awareness campaign aimed at tackling theft of bakery delivery equipment.

The collaboration is said to mark a significant step in Bakers Basco’s ongoing efforts to protect its essential delivery assets including reusable plastic bread baskets and dollies.

Crucial for the efficient transportation of fresh bakery products from bakeries to retailers across the country, these items are often targeted by thieves who sell them to plastic recyclers despite still being suitable for use. This illegal activity increases costs and disrupts operations, noted Bakers Basco.

Bakers Basco manages a current equipment pool of approximately 450,000 dollies and 4.5 million Omega baskets, the latter of which are made from sturdy polypropylene that offer a shelf-life of up to eight years. Baskets are categorised as ‘Reusable Transit Packaging’ – ie. designed to protect goods in transit – and are not meant to be discarded after each trip or dumped in landfill sites.

The Crimestoppers partnership will help raise public awareness on the impact of basket and dolly thefts and encourage communities to report such crimes. By leveraging the charity’s reach and over 35 years of expertise in passing on information about crime, Bakers Basco aims to significantly reduce the incidence of theft and illegal disposal of its equipment, it said.

The campaign includes a series of targeted communications, such as posters and social media outreach, which highlight the value of Bakers Basco’s equipment to the supply chain and the broader community, as well as the legal consequences of theft and misuse.

“We are excited to partner with Crimestoppers on this critical initiative,” commented Stacey Brown, national investigations manager at Bakers Basco. “The theft of our bakery equipment not only affects our business but also disrupts the supply chain, ultimately impacting consumers. Through this campaign, we hope to educate the public about the importance of protecting these assets and encourage them to report any criminal activities involving them.”

Crimestoppers is urging anyone with information on equipment thefts to disclose what they know, 100% anonymously, via telephone to 0800 555 111 or via a secure online form on its website.

Likewise, anyone coming across discarded baskets or dollies can make a report via the Bakers Basco’s helpline (08000 327323) or email (

Bakers Basco was set up in 2006 through a collaboration between five bakery manufacturing giants: Warburtons, Hovis, Allied Bakeries, Frank Roberts & Sons, and Fine Lady Bakeries. In April of this year, it became the primary source of investigation and recovery for both Hovis and Allied Bakeries equipment.

At the start of 2024, it officially extended investigative and recovery operations of its equipment to Northern Ireland and Scotland.