Marks & Spencer’s bakery technologist Jim Hawkridge and top baker and chef Nick Nairn aim to inspire delegates at the Scottish Bakers’ 120th anniversary conference from 14-15 May.
As the two key speakers at the event, Nairn will discuss how to build relationships and sell more, while Hawkridge will talk about what the future holds for the bakery sector. They will join other speakers, including Paul McLaughlin, chief executive of Scotland Food and Drink, and Peter Ford, director of the Premium Roll Company, at the MacDonald Cardrona Hotel in Peebles.
Scottish Bakers president Alan Stuart said: "As well as the conference programme, it gives us the opportunity to meet up with and learn from other bakers."
The cost is £80 per person, which includes the president’s banquet and dinner. The AGM is on Sunday morning. For details email
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