Following her achievement as runner-up in the latest television series of The Apprentice, Greggs’ Helen Milligan has been named the new head of retail for the south east region. Previously the executive assistant to CEO Ken McMeikan, Milligan will now be responsible for over 200 shops and around 2,500 staff.
Milligan said she was very grateful for being given time off to take part in the TV series, and thanked both Greggs staff and customers. "I am really excited to have been given this fantastic promotion and I’m looking forward to leading the south east team in my new role," she said.
Greggs’ finance director Richard Hutton told British Baker: "Helen has a bright future ahead of her at Greggs. She’s certainly a real talent, and we will be putting that to good use."
Milligan triumphed in all bar one of the tasks on the show, but was pipped to the final post by entrepreneur Tom Pellereau, who became Lord Alan Sugar’s latest business partner.
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