Tom and Henry Herbert, the faces of National Craft Bakers’ Week 2012, are challenging UK bakers to "show them what they’ve got".

The Fabulous Baker Brothers from the popular Channel 4 television series are drumming up support for the week on 8-13 October, which is organised by the National Association of Master Bakers (NAMB).

Posing on a bike armed with traditional artisan bread, the Herbert brothers are promoting the cause to celebrate the great taste and raise the profile of freshly baked cakes, pastries and breads made by bakers UK-wide.

Tom Herbert, a fifth-generation craft baker and former British Baker columnist, said: “National Craft Bakers’ Week is a great opportunity to celebrate the role that the craft baker plays in the centre of the community and in society. The bakery should be at the hub of the community. The bakery is a great place for lively conversation and as a place for people to meet other people, something that probably the supermarket doesn’t fulfil; providing a warm, friendly, fun and tasty place to be; where people can buy the things they need and love, like their daily bread and a few treats too.

“National Craft Bakers’ Week is a celebration of all of that – that and the skills and the pride and passion of craft baking, we believe, are things worth celebrating. So come on bakers, let’s show them what we’ve got.”

The NAMB will also be celebrating its 125th anniversary this year with a Gala Banquet on 3 November 2012 at The Guildhall, London.

Gill Brooks-Lonican, chief executive of the NAMB, said: “Having filmed with Tom and Henry on the last episode of the Fabulous Baker Brothers – and I was told to be miserable, I promise – I am pleased that such talented and genuinely nice brothers have agreed to be the faces of NCBW. They are delighted to support the NAMB and other members in this exciting venture.”

Bakers can register to take part in National Craft Bakers’ Week to receive the latest updates on planned events, activities, supplier offers, publicity tips and free POS material. To register, visit