A wave of new appointments at senior management level among bakery companies in the UK is set to prompt a radical change in their behaviour, says Plimsoll.
A new report from the industry analyst says there have been 722 new appointments at director level among the top 980 companies in the last 18 months, in an industry with 2,153 directors in total.
This new blood will change the industry, says senior analyst David Pattison: "Companies don’t do business with companies - people do business with people. But people are changing and firms will lose business simply because they took a customer, competitor or supplier for granted based on an older management style."
Plimsoll investigated each company’s financial performance and found the challenge for 180 of the new appointments was to keep the company afloat. For 542 others it was to improve performance.
Pattison said: "The reasons for the appointments are varied. Some have been taken on to find a buyer for the company, while others have been appointed to see through a management buyout. A quarter of directors are over the age of 60 and we will see more evolution in the near future."
The report says the average director’s salary in the baking industry was £70,566 last year.
To obtain a £50 discount on the £300 report quote the code PR02 online at: [http://www.plimsoll.co.uk]
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