Results from an interim report into salt levels in foods suggests there may be wide regional variations in salt levels in breads.
The report from local government body Local Authorities Coordinators of Regulatory Services (LACORS) suggests breads and rolls from a specific region of the UK are exceptionally high in salt.
LACORS has declined to name the region concerned while the research is ongoing. A spokeswoman explained that it wanted to conduct further investigations to make sure the figures were robust before revealing any findings.
However, all seven samples taken from the region so far are considerably higher than for the rest of the UK.
"The salt content of such a staple food in one area of the UK is currently of interest and really needs to be explored further," said the spokeswoman. The project, which started in 2005, is now set to continue for another two years, with regional variations in sugar and fats in foods also examined.
The spokeswoman added that the Federation of Bakers would be working with LACORS as the research continued.
LACORS coordinated results from council trading standards and environmental health officers for 831 food products for the research. The report found that the salt content of foods had been reduced by 10.9% since May 2005, although fewer than half had achieved their target levels for 2010.
The average figure found from 48 bread products following 18 months of investigation was 0.49g/100g. The Food Standards Agency’s sodium target for bread and rolls is 0.43g per 100g of food.
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