Thirteen bakers in Suffolk have been issued with ‘Salt Aware’ certificates, after visits from the council’s Trading Standards officers found they had successfully cut salt content in their fresh bread.

The certificates, which bear the wording: ‘This baker is salt aware’, demonstrate a commitment to meeting the voluntary salt levels set by the Food Standards Agency for 2012, according to the council.

Forty samples of bread were tested from 27 bakeries across Suffolk, including The Bread Basket in Felixstowe and Hursts Bakery in Clare.

Kevin Adams, owner of the Bread Basket in Felixstowe, commented: “I am very grateful to have been asked by Trading Standards to enter into a programme of salt reduction in our bread earlier this year. Having worked together over the past few months, we are now able to label our bread as low in salt and display an eye-catching certificate on our shop floor.

“This enables us to reassure our customers – they can now purchase our bread with the confidence of knowing that we are consciously taking their health into consideration by reducing our salt levels.”

>> New research into salt reduction planned