Women in Wales are dominating the Rising Star Award in 2024 with all three of our finalists working in the country – with two at the same establishment.
The award is aimed at those in work, training or bakery college who can demonstrate their achievements over the past three years since entering college or the baking industry.
Meet bakery’s rising stars:
Ella Muddiman, Coleg Cambria
Ella has conquered many personal challenges in getting where she is today having found peace and confidence in herself through baking. Starting out as a hobby baker, she has turned it into a career with iâl Restaurant at Coleg Cambria in Wrexham where she has recently completed a Level 2 Diploma in Proficiency in Baking Industry Skills and is due to start Level 3 in September.
Here, she produces a variety of baked goods for the restaurant and also works with and trains students from the college.
Looking forward, Ella aspires to evolve as an educator and a mentor as well as a “beacon for positive mental health”. “My ultimate goal is to impart not only technical skills but also a mindset that encourages continuous learning and personal development,” she said.
The judges praised Ella’s holistic approach to baking, particularly how she is driving change by setting an excellent example to those around her. They commended her ability to take on challenges and deliver results, as seen through her expansion restaurant’s offering and its positive effect on sales.
Hannah Worth, Bowla
As founder and director of Bowla (A Bowl with a Roll), which produces bowler hat-shaped rolls from a patented mould, Hannah has built the business from the ground up over the past 1.5 years. It started with an idea from her dad Clayton, but Hannah was the one to run with it switching her career trajectory entirely to be involved.
At present, the business is in the middle of moving to a new site at Swansea Indoor Market which will help take it to the next level. From there, Hannah has big ambitions for Bowla with her eyes set on nationwide distribution in the next two to three years as well as supplying moulds to other bakeries under license to help conquer the out-of-home and casual dining markets.
She is the face of the brand and does all the networking – always striving to learn something new. She also knows an opportunity when it comes across her path, noting that her proudest moment so far was when Bowla appeared on TV show Aldi’s Next Big Thing.
Her passion for the business is unmatched, according to the judges who also praised her tenacity in driving the idea forward and putting her name out there. Hannah isn’t afraid to ask for help when she needs it either and has built a community of bakery and business specialists around her.
Naomi Spaven, Coleg Cambria
Naomi is back for another shot at the trophy having been named a finalist in 2023. Over the past year she has worked hard to gain more experience and fill gaps in her knowledge with a week at the School of Artisan Food and one at the Richemont Centre of Excellence in Lucerne, Switzerland among them (both part of the Worshipful Company of Bakers’ bursary programme). This is alongside her Level 3 in Advanced Baking Industry Skills.
She has also taken a new job at iâl Restaurant at Coleg Cambria in Wrexham – where fellow finalist Ella Muddiman also works. As lead baker & patisserie chef, which she describes as “an absolute dream role”, she will be baking but also guiding students through the baking process.
Naomi is also sharing her passion for baking with a score of online fans via her account LittleWelshFoodie and is collaborating with local schools to engage children with baking.
Naomi’s “passion shines so brightly”, according to the judges, who praised her technical and problem-solving skills as well as her skills in building a community around any bakery she works at.
Join us for a night of celebration
The winners will be revealed at a black-tie ceremony on Thursday 24 October at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London. The ceremony, hosted by a yet-to-be-revealed celebrity, will also feature a presentation for the Outstanding Contribution to the Baking Industry, sponsored by Délifrance.
Tickets for the awards are available now via the Baking Industry Awards website. Individual tickets cost £330+VAT and a table of 10 costs £3,300+VAT.
The event includes a dazzling drinks reception, a three-course dinner with wine and coffee, and an afterparty complete with snacks and entertainment to help you celebrate into the early morning.
Get your tickets here: https://bakeryawards.co.uk/live/en/page/attend
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