Mrs Crimble’s has launched a giveaway campaign inviting consumers to nominate individuals to receive free gluten-free bakery goods.

The firm will be sending out 1,000 packs of its free-from bakery products as part of its ‘Share the Love’ campaign, enabling customers to nominate friends and family through a dedicated website, The campaign will run until the end of 2012.

Jeremy Woods, managing director of Mrs Crimble’s, said: “We are sending out 1,000 packs of goodies every month, including lots of Britain’s favourite macaroons, Bakewell slices and our Double Choc Brownies. We commissioned a survey on the subject of kindness* to help us raise awareness of the giveaway and draw attention to what an important quality kindness is.

“We are a small and close-knit team and we came up with the whole ‘Share the Love’ campaign because we think that kindness really matters. There can never be too much of it in the world, and, sometimes, a chat over a nice cup of tea is all it takes. So hopefully the goodies we send out will help.”