Délifrance has launched its Christmas portfolio, which features a new range called Café Gourmand. This will comprise a selection of mini patisserie items designed to complement coffee and canapés, and is currently a very popular concept in France.
Also available will be a ’Crousty Pie’ quiche kit a pastry case and sauce disc ready to be filled in three simple steps with caterers’ own ingredients such as seasonal turkey and stuffing.
Délifrance’s bread range will include some festive favourites, such as its Italian Hazelnut Triangle, and Maison Heritage Rustic rolls, said the firm.
Lucy Pickersgill, head of foodservice, said: "As well as stand-alone innovations such as the Crousty Pie kit and Café Gourmand, the selection also includes the Multicereal Star and Walnut Bloomer for indulgent additions to the classic cheese board or tear-and-share starters of chutneys and jams. Meanwhile, the Twisted Ciabatta gives a festive alternative to a traditional sandwich, filled with the likes of turkey and cranberry."
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