The quality of UK wheat has been praised by millers from Spain, Portugal, Morocco and Tunisia at a recent Home-Grown Cereals Authority (HGCA) bread baking workshop but there are concerns over levels of supply.

Emma Finn, HGCA arable business supply chain manager, said there were specific worries over the availability of soft wheat, branded ’uks’ for the export market.

She warned: "The importance of uks is underlined in this year of low supplies. The UK has few competitors for this product so our customers rely on us. Typically millers in Spain and Portugal are using 20% uks in their grists so a consistent supply of uks varieties is needed to sustain this market."

Miguel Angel Martin Conessa, a miller from Spain, said he had successfully used a blend of 65% uks and 35% ukp bread wheat to reduce costs.

Said Badri, of the Tunisian Millers Association, said he had used 80% uks and 20% ukp in flat breads and baguettes.