Select Bag Sealers launched its new TS3-EP Table Top Sealer at the recent Bakers’ Fair Spring. Exhibiting for the first time at a Bakers’ Fair event, the firm unveiled the new unit a manually operated Tape Sealer that incorporates a Thermal Electronic Printer. This allows complex print formats to be applied to the seal as it performs a tape seal around the neck of a bag.
"The new unit replaces the earlier TS2 Sealer, which used a mechanical hot foil printer. However, the new Electronic Printer allows for a large print format memory, self chronologically updating ’best-before’ codes, traceability codes and up to four lines of text can be applied with dynamic (self-updating) fields," said the firm.
Print format changeovers are now measured in seconds, rather than minutes, with immediate printing possible without any inefficient re-heat downtime.
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