The average person in the UK spent £3.76 a week on bread, cereals and cereal products in 2004-5 to eat at home, according to the latest annual report from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The Family Food Expenditure 2004-5 Report says that of this 93p a week was spent on bread and 52p on cakes and pastries, and 54p on biscuits.
The average person spent 31p a week on white bread – down 6.6% on the previous year. Wholemeal bread expenditure increased by 24.2% to 12p a week, the report says.
In total, an average person living in the UK spent £34.31 per week on food and drink, the report estimates.
It also suggested household expenditure on fresh fruit increased by 2.7%, alcohol consumption at home was down by 3.7% and purchases of sandwiches eaten out of the home fell by 7.5% in value.
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