Iceland store

Source: Iceland

Iceland store

Iceland Foods has launched its first accelerator scheme aimed at enabling food & drink brands, including bakeries, to develop new products for listings at its stores.

The ‘Brands on Ice’ scheme will see its first quarterly showcase event hosted on 11 July 2024. Selected applicants will be invited to pitch their innovations or ideas to a panel of decision makers at the retailer including its CEO, group buying director, and other executives.

Pitches can range from just a plan on a page up to a finished product on the table, with a 30-minute-long presentation and discussion period looking for answers to why it is innovative, interesting, and suitable for Iceland; what are its target consumers and how it delivers for them; and what is its commercial proposal.

A decision will made on the same day, with successful brands progressing to a follow-up meeting with the trading team to finalise its exclusive roll out at Iceland and Food Warehouse stores as well as via its website.

The supermarket also promises comprehensive support for the brands with an investment of up to £100k helping launch the new lines and assist with manufacturing, branding and activation. This includes packaging and web design services, and in-store and digital marketing. Additionally, an investment multiplier sees every £100k investment from suppliers matched by the retailer.

“We will offer bespoke launch plans tailored to each brand’s needs, committed to discovering true innovation and providing our customers with unique and exciting ranges,” commented Oliver Gilding, Iceland Foods head of innovation and licensing, adding that products are planned to hit shelves by early 2025.

New products could potentially get stocked at over 1,000 stores nationwide (including both Iceland and Food Warehouse locations), although total rollout would depend on the production capabilities of each specific brand, noted Gilding.

Interested candidates for the Brands on Ice scheme can send an email to and request the one-page submission template for product pitches. 

Iceland unveiled a major range reset last September featuring 500 exclusive new products ranging from doughnuts, cookies, and cheesecakes to shareable cheesey bread.

Bakery brands have recently secured listings at other supermarkets including Murdoch Allan with its Dundee Rolls at Morrisons, Bertie’s Bakery with high protein rolls at Henderson Group stores, and Baked Earth Bakery’s Garlic & Coriander Naan Bites at Asda.

Meanwhile, Peckham-based family run wholesale bakery Flake Bake won a listing for its Jamaican beef patties via the Channel 4 TV series Aldi’s Next Best Thing.