Virtura Au

Source: Ulrick & Short

Virtura Au can be declared as linseed flour and tapioca starch

Ulrick & Short is launching a range of clean-label texturising solutions to help bakers meet growing demand for naturalness.

The clean-label ingredients supplier said the recent public debate around ultra-processed foods had put the issue in the spotlight, stating that two-thirds of global consumers find “natural” claims on bakery products appealing.

“We are increasingly seeing consumers shifting away from ultra-processed foods and seeking healthier alternatives – there is greater need than ever for highly functional ingredients based on natural sources,” added Ulrick & Short ingredients specialist Kate Lefroy.

To help address such concerns, Ulrick & Short has launched the first product in its new Virtura range.

Virtura Au is designed to be a functional alternative to psyllium husk in bakery applications such as gluten-free goods, and can be declared simply as linseed flour and tapioca starch.

Ulrick & Short said Virtura Au performs in a similar way to psyllium husk, with simple inclusion as a dry, ambient powder and providing ‘excellent’ water binding to provide a gel and mimicking the properties and function of a typical glutenous structure. The supplier explained that the gel helps with elasticity of the batter, providing volume, expansion and structure to improve overall product quality.

Unlike psyllium husk, Virtura Au is described as being functionally stable. According to the supplier, this would resolve issues of ingredient inconsistency between batches of psyllium husk.

The golden linseed raw material in Virtura Au is of European origin, said Ulrick & Short, reducing freight miles compared with psyllium husk which is typically cultivated in Northern India.

“The Virtura range is inspired by nature’s toolbox, developed to create sustainable and planet-friendly solutions with excellent functionalities,” added Lefroy. “With these ingredients, manufacturers can deliver unique and interesting textures whilst maintaining clean and transparent declarations, thus omitting the need for chemically modified additives.”