The Carbon Trust, a private company set up by government, has invited trade organisations to apply for up to £140,000-worth of funding on carbon reduction projects.

To apply for the funding, applicants are required to produce a detailed plan, outlining how their initiative will deliver demonstrable carbon dioxide emissions savings, by 9 January 2008. Separate fundings of up to £30,000 and £140,000 are on offer.

"We believe that trade and professional bodies have an important role to play in championing carbon reduction measures among their member businesses and colleagues," said Tom Delay, chief executive of the Carbon Trust. "We would encourage anyone who wants to find out more to contact us."

For more details about the programme, interested organisations should visit [] carbon/networks.

Both the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) and Northern Ireland Food and Drink Federation have received funding from the Carbon Trust Networks Initiative in the past.

The Carbon Trust has also recently launched a new business carbon footprint calculator, to help businesses understand what a carbon footprint is, how to work it out and how to reduce it. This follows the Climate Change Bill announcement, which will set the UK a target of a minimum 60% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 2050 as legally binding for the first time.

Go to [] to apply for a free online Carbon Survey.