This article will look at the use of cookies and biscuits as alternatives to the traditional celebration cake for birthdays and seasonal events.

  • Publication date:  7 April 2020
  • Editorial submissions deadline: 16 March 2020
  • Editorial contact:


This article will look at the use of cookies and biscuits as alternatives to the traditional celebration cake for birthdays and seasonal events.

It will examine businesses that have developed larger-format products, and at how bakeries develop cookie and biscuit gifting packs.

And, at the highest end of the market, what about bespoke cookie cakes for weddings and anniversaries?

BOX-OUT: Cookie dough
Traditionally an American treat, cookie dough is continuing to capture the hearts of Brits. How can traditional bakers tap this market by offering their own cookie dough products, and how can they ensure this raw mixture is 100% safe for human consumption?