Brace's New Luxury Bread Packaging  2923x1579

Source: Brace’s

South Wales-based bakery Brace’s has unveiled brand-new packaging for its Luxury range of sliced white bread.

Created by its in-house design team, the new packaging features a fresher, more vibrant aesthetic compared to the previous traditional-style design used for the past two years. This is aimed at reinvigorating sales of standard sliced bread, which it said has been in decline since the 1980s.

The previous packaging for Brace's Luxury Medium sliced bread  2100x884

Source: Brace’s

The previous packaging design of Brace’s Luxury Medium white sliced bread

“My brief to the team was to produce a clean and distinctive design that reflected the high quality of our bread and the history of our business,” commented Brace’s director Jonathan Brace. “We’ve used our existing colourways and rearranged them around the bag to create what we believe, to be an eye catching and crisp design that is more impactful to the consumer.”

In addition, the update helps display the slice thicknesses with more clarity, allowing consumers to differentiate between the products more easily. Brace’s Luxury range comes in five different bread slice sizes ranging from Thin and Medium up to Thick, XX Thick, and Doorstep, which were thickened in 2017 and have remained unchanged since.

Instore promotional activity, social media advertising and merchandise will support the rebranding launch, while graphics on Brace’s vehicle fleet have also been updated to reflect the new packaging.

A spokesperson for Brace’s confirmed that it was currently working on bringing a bolder new look to a number of other products, which also embraced its proud Welsh heritage. “We are always looking at new opportunities to expand the business beyond South Wales and the West Country, but we also realise how important it is to reinforce our brand in the areas in which we already distribute our products,” they added.

Brace’s is a fourth-generation family business trading since 1902, which operates a plant bakery in Crumlin near Newport and supplies its branded range of products to major supermarkets in south Wales and the west of England. The company invested £4m in a new production line in 2022 for the manufacture of bread rolls, tea cakes and hot cross buns.

Last year, it rolled out two new filling flavours for its range of Welsh Cakes at Asda stores – Salted Caramel and Lemon Curd – and more recently picked up a listing for its Moltid Bloomers at One Stop.