Online retailer has launched a new protein bread, produced by Dr Zak’s Protein Foods.
The loaf, which weighs 840g – twice as heavy as white bread – took three years to develop.
A spokesman for said: “Everyone knows that a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet is ideal for losing weight and building muscle and thousands of athletes and keep-fit enthusiasts try to maintain this type of diet.
“But avoiding carbs isn’t easy, so we saw a gap in the market for a new kind of bread, one with a much lower carbohydrate content than normal bread and a much higher protein content.”
The bread is made from wholemeal flour and includes more than 15g of wheat and pea protein in each slice. It is also high in Omega 3, so eating it keeps you fuller for longer.
The spokesperson also stated that it tasted like regular bread, “not cardboard, but proper, freshly made bread”.
At £4 per loaf (14 slices) it is eight times more expensive than a value supermarket loaf. The retailers expect protein bread will be a hit with those interested in fitness, and anyone wanting to lose weight.
The spokesperson said that despite the loaf being more expensive than a high carb/low protein bread, the prices between the two shouldn’t be compared. "You wouldn’t compare the cost of a chocolate bar to a protein bar, so you shouldn’t compare the cost of Protein Bread with high carb, high fat, low protein traditional bread."
Protein Bread is produced by Dr Zak’s Protein Foods and sold through specialist high protein retailer
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